Purpose of Call Them Out

*The ONLY purpose of this site is to make officals aware that we know the truth. PLEASE be courteous when you call them and make it clear that you do not support their behavior and you will not vote for any official who uses such tactics.

Friday, September 19, 2008


As you all know by now the government is about to offer a $500 Billion bailout for the financial sector, essentially rewarding them for their unethical and imbecilic behavior.

While I understand it is necessary, I also understand that the actual number will likely be closer to One Trillion by the time it's all said and done.

One Trillion Dollars.
One Trillion Dollars.

Are you freaking kidding me?

What I have not heard in these proposals is what is going to be done for the people who got mortgages from these companies; you know, the ones who are about to lose their homes...

So, this is the question. How the hell can they expect us to bail them out for homes they are going to take away.

...We are going to pay off their debt, and then they get to foreclose on the properties they screwed up on? Is it just me, or is there something SERIOUSLY wrong with that?

Maybe I'm missing something. Maybe I'm not as informed as I think I am. Maybe I should just trust that they wouldn't do that; make us pay for homes that we don't get to keep. Maybe they are actually really good companies and really care about us.

And maybe pigs & pit bulls wearing lipstick can fly.

I don't pretend to know everything about this, and I could be missing something. However, what I do know is that if we don't call them up and tell them they need to add a provision that these companies cannot foreclose on the homes they offered bad loans for, they are going to think we are stupid enough to just sit by and watch the biggest fleecing of the American people in history of this country.

We MUST act! We MUST call now; BEFORE it is too late!

I am listing the toll free numbers to the Capitol Hill Switch Board below.

Call and ask for:

Henry Paulson - Treasury Secretary
Ben Bernanke - Federal Reserve Board Chairman
Chris Cox - Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman

Capitol Hill Switch Board

Also, Call our party leaders at the numbers below, and while you are at it, call the new "regulator" McCreepy.

Nancy Pelosi
(202) 225-0100

Harry Reid
(202) 224-3542

Obama, Barack
(202) 224-2854

John McCain
(202) 224-2235

I know this is a lot to ask today, but we don't have time to screw around. They are selling us down the river damned it, and I at least want a fucking paddle!

Go Get Em!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sarah Palin: Give the Money Back

Cenk Uygur

Sarah Palin famously said in her Republican convention speech that she told Congress "thanks, but no thanks" for the Bridge to Nowhere. Now, this has been discredited in just about every media outlet in the country. During the Charlie Gibson interview, she didn't even deny that she in fact lobbied for the bridge when she was running for governor.

This, of course, has not stopped her from making the same claim dozens of times since it's been discredited. But what's even more interesting is that she apparently kept as much of the money as the federal government sent her. What happened to thanks, but no thanks?

Though the entire financing for the bridge did not pan out, the US government has set aside $73 million for the project. So far, a lot of money has been wasted building access roads to bridges that don't exist and never will. Of course, people get rich off these projects, so they don't give a damn where they lead as long as the money leads right back into their pockets.


HUH? Many Americans Not Paying Taxes At All?

So, Obama won't be cutting taxes for 90% of the country because many aren't paying taxes at all? Well Johnny Boy, are you talking about the super rich or the unemployed? I'm confused.

Call Him Out! Number is at the top/right.

McCain Debates Himself On Regulation

The flip flop express is at it again...

You know what to do, Numbers are up at the right.